Calcitriol Coupon & Discounts

Save on Calcitriol at your pharmacy with the free discount below.

Calcitriol, a prescription medication used to treat people with low levels of calcium in their blood, is available in either liquid or capsule form. The typical calcitriol price starts at about $35 and can run as high as $60. However, our free discount coupons can be downloaded, printed, and used to help control calcitriol cost, lowering it by as much as 75%. Click the link below to get your calcitrol coupon now, or get more information about this medication in the following sections.

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About Calcitriol

What is calcitriol?

Calcitriol is a form of vitamin D that works to increase calcium levels in the blood by helping improve the absorption of dietary calcium in the digestive tract, and by increasing its absorption by the renal system to reduce calcium loss in urine. It also aids in the stimulation of calcium production from the bones to help fight bone disease(s). It is typically prescribed to patients whose parathyroid glands (glands that control the release of calcium to the blood) or kidneys are not functioning correctly. Although available only by prescription, it is categorized as a vitamin and a supplement.

How do I take calcitriol?

Calcitriol is a medication that is taken orally, either in capsule or in liquid form. Normal dosage is once every morning or every other morning, with or without food, and your doctor may order changes to your diet. Dosage usually begins with low levels of the medication and may be gradually increased, usually once over a two to eight week period. Because calcitriol does not cure the condition(s) it is treating, continue to take this medication even if you are feeling well. Do not change the amount of the prescribed dosage you are taking without your doctor’s approval. In addition, if you do not have kidney disease, you should drink plenty of fluids while taking calcitriol; if you have kidney disease, speak with your doctor about how much fluid you should be consuming, and adjust accordingly. Do not use supplements containing magnesium while taking calcitriol unless approved by your doctor.

What if I forget to take a dose of calcitriol?

If you forget to take your dose of calcitriol, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost time for the next dosage. In this case, take the regularly scheduled dose and do not double up on dosage.

What happens if I overdose on calcitriol?

In the event of an overdose, call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 immediately. If the individual has passed out or stopped breathing, call 911. There are certain signs associated with an overdose of calcitriol, including irregular heartbeat, dizziness, hallucinations, stomach pain, changes in vision, upset stomach, stomach pain, or vomiting, and fever or chills.

Before taking calcitriol, tell your doctor if:

  • You are allergic to calcitriol, vitamin D, or forms of vitamin D;

  • You are taking any prescription or non-prescription drugs or medications, as well as any vitamins or supplements you may be taking as well, especially those that contain calcium;

  • You have any of the following conditions:

  • Kidney disease or are

  • receiving dialysis

  • Parathyroid disease

  • You are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding; call your doctor if you become pregnant, and do not breast-feed while taking calcitriol.

  • You have had surgery recently or are experiencing difficulty with physical movements.

  • You are planning to have surgery, including dental surgery. Tell your dentist you are taking calcitriol.

What are the possible side effects of taking calcitriol?

When following the prescribed conditions and proper dosage for taking calcitriol, side effects are uncommon. However, they can occur and if you experience any of the following, immediately call your physician. This includes high blood pressure, a high fever, severe stomach pain, heart attack, muscle or bone pain, drowsiness, diarrhea, continuing headache, irregular heartbeat, cloudy urine, nausea, vomiting, unexpected weight loss, increase in the volume or frequency of urination, or loss of interest.

This list is not exhaustive, and other side effects may appear, and your doctor needs to be notified if other symptoms manifest themselves.

How do I store calcitriol?

Keep calcitriol tightly sealed in its original container and away from children and pets and extremes of heat and moisture. It must also be protected from exposure to light. Dispose of old or expired prescriptions according to the recommendations of your pharmacist.


Calcitriol works only if you receive the proper amount of calcium from your diet, and too much calcium can cause serious side effects. Conversely, if you are not getting enough calcium from your diet, calcitriol cannot control your condition. Therefore, it is important to follow the dietary modifications recommended by your doctor. However, do not add calcium supplements without your doctor’s approval.

Brand Names

Calcitriol is also packaged and marketed under the brand name Rocaltrol®. Search our site to find free printable or e-coupons for discounts of up to 88 percent off the calcitriol price and 15 percent off the price of Rocaltrol® and keep the calcitriol cost affordable and within your budget.


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